

Business Ethics and CSR in a Global Economy – Forum Politelia – Milano

Il VII Forum di Politelia, organizzato in collaborazione con il Dip.to di Studi Sociali e Politici dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, affronterà il tema “The Corporation as a Political Actor: The New Role of Business in a Global Society”. Tra gli argomenti trattati da autorevoli studiosi di livello internazionale: Up and down the supply chain

Business Ethics and CSR in a Global Economy – Forum Politelia – Milano Leggi tutto »

IV United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries – Istanbul, Turkey

The conference provides an important opportunity to elevate the role of private sector investment in the LDCs, as well as mobilize business engagement towards development objectives. In the past ten years, the United Nations has increasingly engaged the private sector as a partner, recognizing that the world’s challenges – for example linked to development, peace

IV United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries – Istanbul, Turkey Leggi tutto »

Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa – Workshop – LUISS Guido Carli – Roma

L’Area Pubblica Amministrazione, Sanità e non Profit della LUISS Business School propone un workshop in tema di Sostenibilità e di Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa, per contribuire allo sviluppo di una cultura manageriale su tali temi all’interno delle aziende e delle organizzazioni, pubbliche e private. La partecipazione è libera, iscriviti sul sito

Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa – Workshop – LUISS Guido Carli – Roma Leggi tutto »

European Business Summit – Conferenza – Bruxelles

Si terrà a Bruxelles la nona edizione dell’European Business Summit (EBS), organizzato da VBO/FEB (Federazione Industrie Del Belgio) e BusinessEurope, in collaborazione con la Comunità Europea e numerosi partner. Attraverso un ciclo di conferenze e workshop, EBS vuole contribuire a creare una rete permanente di dialogo fra istituzioni ed impresa, finalizzata alla creazione di un

European Business Summit – Conferenza – Bruxelles Leggi tutto »

Principles for Responsible Management Education Summit – Brussels

Held under the theme of Partnership in Responsibility: Embedding PRME in Support of the Corporation of the 21st Century, the PRME Summit will foster dialogue between business, business schools and other stakeholders around responsible business challenges, needs and innovative business practices. It will provide a platform for educational institutions to interact, as well as address

Principles for Responsible Management Education Summit – Brussels Leggi tutto »

CERES 2011 – Conference – Oakland CA

Inspiring world business leaders are innovating to meet the urgent climate and resource challenges of the 21st century. They recognize the imperative, and opportunity, of building a sustainable global economy—and are filling the leadership vacuum left by our policymakers. This year’s Ceres conference is about igniting this leadership and innovation into something far bigger and

CERES 2011 – Conference – Oakland CA Leggi tutto »

Forestry, Biomass & Sustainability 2011 – Conference – London

This promises to be an important year for the forestry sector internationally, and particularly for forestry finance initiatives. The UN has declared 2011 to be the International Year of Forests and the recent UN Climate Change conference in Cancun has given the green light to efforts to award carbon credits to REDD projects in developing

Forestry, Biomass & Sustainability 2011 – Conference – London Leggi tutto »

Responsible Investment Forum – Times Center – New York

The second PEI Responsible Investment Forum is taking place on 2nd June 2011 in New York City. Building on the spectacular success of last year’s seminal event in London, the forum will examine in detail how private equity firms can build better portfolio businesses by focusing on environmental, social and governance issues (ESG). PEI, the leading publisher for private

Responsible Investment Forum – Times Center – New York Leggi tutto »

ETICA E SOSTENIBILITA’ DELLA SUPPLY CHAIN – Conferenza – Via M. Emilio Lepido, 182/3 – Bologna

Rendere trasparente il processo produttivo e commerciale dell’impresa e quindi il dove e come si arriva al prodotto finale garantendo standard socio-ambientali rigorosi da parte dei propri fornitori lungo tutta la filiera. E’ questa oggi la vera sfida per l’azienda eticamente all’avanguardia. Non a caso, come testimonia anche una recente indagine di Gfk Eurisko per

ETICA E SOSTENIBILITA’ DELLA SUPPLY CHAIN – Conferenza – Via M. Emilio Lepido, 182/3 – Bologna Leggi tutto »

The 2011 Annual Summit of Green Companies – Qingdao, China

Supported by the UN Global Compact, the 2011 Annual Summit of Green Companies and organized by China Entrepreneurs Club, the Summit will focus on “Green Companies: Achieving Sustainable Competitiveness by Building Socially and Environmentally-Friendly Networks”. The Summit aims to explore new trends in business values, with a particular focus on innovative solutions to promote business

The 2011 Annual Summit of Green Companies – Qingdao, China Leggi tutto »

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